Kelly Leilani Main, Miho Mazereeuw, Fadi Masoud, Jia Lu, Aditya Barve, Mayank Ojha, and Chetan Krishna. “Climate action zones: A clustering methodology for resilient spatial planning in climate uncertainty.” Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: From Humanitarian Architecture to Community Resilience. Edited by A. Nuno Martins, Mahmood Fayazi, Faten Kikano, and Liliane Hobeica, Eselvier, 2020, 241-248.
Eliyahu Keller & Kelly Leilani Main (2020). After the Flood: Water, Climate Crisis, and Architectural Imagination. Journal of Architectural Education, 74:1, 126-128, DOI: 10.1080/10464883.2020.1693838
Mark Scott, Mick Lennon, Daniel Tubridy, Patrick Marchman, A.R. Siders, Kelly Leilani Main, Victoria Herrmann, Debra Butler, Kathryn Frank, Karyn Bosomworth, Raphaele Blanchi & Cassidy Johnson (2020), Climate Disruption and Planning: Resistance or Retreat?, Planning Theory & Practice, 21:1, 125-154, DOI: 10.1080/14649357.2020.1704130
Bellotti Giovanni, Main Kelly Leilani, Diana Ang, et al. The Civic Forest. Landscape Architecture Frontiers., 2018, 6(6): 102-109.
Main, Kelly Leilani. (2015). Bombing the Tomb: Memorial Portraiture and Street Art in Revolutionary Cairo. Berkeley Undergraduate Journal, 28(1). our_buj_25789. Retrieved from:
“Forced from Home: A Human Rights Assessment of Displacement and Evictions in Boston’s Chinatown.” MIT Displacement Research Action Network. (2019)
“Starter Communities: Rural Urbanism in Cavite Province, Philippines.” MIT Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism. (2019)
Conference Presentations
Mario Giampieri, Kelly Leilani Main, Yue Wu and Juncheng Yang. “Bermanism: Building Reflexive Practice Into Resilient Infrastructure Planning.” 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, November 2018.
Kelly Leilani Main, Mario Giampieri, Juncheng Yeng, Yue Wu. “Bermanism” At What Point Managed Retreat Conference, Columbia University, New York. June 2019
Kelly Leilani Main, Collyn Chan, Mario Giampieri, Kannan Thurivengadem. “Eastie for Eastie: A Toolkit for Managed Retreat.” At What Point Managed Retreat Conference, Columbia University, New York. June 2019
Kelly Main, Jia Lu, Miho Mazereeuw, Fadi Masoud, Mayank Ojha, Aditya Barve and Chetan Krishna. “Climate Action Zones: Building a New Methodology for Resilient Spatial Planning in Coastal Cities.” Oral Presentation. 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, November 2018.
Conference Posters
Kelly Leilani Main, Manuela Uribe and Lumanti Shrestha Joshi. “Land Readjustment for Reconstruction in Taukhel, Nepal.” Poster Presentation. 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, November 2018.
Main, K.L., Mazereeuw, M., Masoud, F., Ojha, M., Krishna, C., Barve, A., Lu, J., Chou, W., Javet, V., “Climate Action Zones: Developing a New Methodology for Large-scale Climate Adaptation in Cities,” CitiesIPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, Edmonton, March 2018.
Other Publications
Main, Kelly. Limitations of the Owner-Driven Reconstruction Model in Nepal. MIT Displacement Research Action Network Blog. April 23, 2018.