
  • Kelly Leilani Main, Miho Mazereeuw, Fadi Masoud, Jia Lu, Aditya Barve, Mayank Ojha, and Chetan Krishna. “Climate action zones: A clustering methodology for resilient spatial planning in climate uncertainty.” Enhancing Disaster Preparedness: From Humanitarian Architecture to Community Resilience. Edited by A. Nuno Martins, Mahmood Fayazi, Faten Kikano, and Liliane Hobeica, Eselvier, 2020, 241-248.

  • Eliyahu Keller & Kelly Leilani Main (2020). After the Flood: Water, Climate Crisis, and Architectural Imagination. Journal of Architectural Education, 74:1, 126-128, DOI: 10.1080/10464883.2020.1693838

  • Mark Scott, Mick Lennon, Daniel Tubridy, Patrick Marchman, A.R. Siders, Kelly Leilani Main, Victoria Herrmann, Debra Butler, Kathryn Frank, Karyn Bosomworth, Raphaele Blanchi & Cassidy Johnson (2020), Climate Disruption and Planning: Resistance or Retreat?, Planning Theory & Practice, 21:1, 125-154, DOI: 10.1080/14649357.2020.1704130

  • Bellotti Giovanni, Main Kelly Leilani, Diana Ang, et al. The Civic Forest. Landscape Architecture Frontiers., 2018, 6(6): 102-109.

  • Main, Kelly Leilani. (2015). Bombing the Tomb: Memorial Portraiture and Street Art in Revolutionary Cairo. Berkeley Undergraduate Journal, 28(1). our_buj_25789. Retrieved from:


Conference Presentations

  • Mario Giampieri, Kelly Leilani Main, Yue Wu and Juncheng Yang. “Bermanism: Building Reflexive Practice Into Resilient Infrastructure Planning.” 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, November 2018.

  • Kelly Leilani Main, Mario Giampieri, Juncheng Yeng, Yue Wu. “Bermanism” At What Point Managed Retreat Conference, Columbia University, New York. June 2019

  • Kelly Leilani Main, Collyn Chan, Mario Giampieri, Kannan Thurivengadem. “Eastie for Eastie: A Toolkit for Managed Retreat.” At What Point Managed Retreat Conference, Columbia University, New York. June 2019

  • Kelly Main, Jia Lu, Miho Mazereeuw, Fadi Masoud, Mayank Ojha, Aditya Barve and Chetan Krishna. “Climate Action Zones: Building a New Methodology for Resilient Spatial Planning in Coastal Cities.” Oral Presentation. 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, November 2018.

Conference Posters

  • Kelly Leilani Main, Manuela Uribe and Lumanti Shrestha Joshi. “Land Readjustment for Reconstruction in Taukhel, Nepal.” Poster Presentation. 8th International Conference on Building Resilience, Lisbon, November 2018.

  • Main, K.L., Mazereeuw, M., Masoud, F., Ojha, M., Krishna, C., Barve, A., Lu, J., Chou, W., Javet, V., “Climate Action Zones: Developing a New Methodology for Large-scale Climate Adaptation in Cities,” CitiesIPCC Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, Edmonton, March 2018.

Other Publications